Challenge Accepted
I was inspired today by and essay I was listening to in the car from David Sedaries from his book ‘Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls’. Inspired to what you may ask, to notice my everyday surroundings and jot down things during my day and flush them out in a blog post the next morning.
He distinguishes between a journal which is a repository of ideas, your brain on a page and a diary which is your heart. I’m uncertain what this will be, all of the above perhaps.
I’ve been looking for something to do daily after being challenged by my friend Chris. We were talking about on going projects and I mentioned I didn’t have any and how they aren’t for me. Which is true and yet I’m not one to back down on a challenge and I hate to lose.
I’ve been thinking what to do with that conversation I had with Chris and then listening to the essay, ‘Day In, Day Out’ has me wondering, I can do this? Do I want to do this? Time will tell.
Here is the blog post that tells all about what I chose.